Terms and conditions
For members of the European Union:
Från och med den 25 maj 2018 kommer hela EU ha en ny gemensam lag om behandling av persondata, den så kallade dataskyddsförordningen, GDPR. Syftet är att stärka skyddet av enskilda personers personuppgifter. Mycket i den nya lagen är likt den tidigare Personuppgiftslagen, men kraven på hur företag får hantera dina personuppgifter har skärpts.
Med anledning av GDPR vill vi informera dig om följande:
- Lämnar du din e-postadress med syfte att börja prenumerera på våra nyhetsbrev eller lämnar du din postadress för att göra en prenumerationsbeställning så uppfattar vi det som att du samtycker till att vi hanterar och lagrar dessa uppgifter.
- Det är viktigt för oss att du kan känna dig trygg med hur vi hanterar dina personuppgifter. American Trails och Paper Heart Publishing (förlaget som ger ut magasinet) har tydliga riktlinjer för hur vi sparar personuppgifter samt hur vi använder oss av dem.
- American Trails kommer aldrig att dela med sig av eller sälja dina personuppgifter till en extern part.
- Du kan närsomhelst på egen hand avsluta en prenumeration på förlagets nyhetsbrev.
- Vill du bli borttagen ur våra adressregister eller få information kring hur dina personuppgifter lagras är du varmt välkommen att.
- Genom att teckna en prenumeration på American Trails magazine godkänner jag att det förekommer alkohol/spritreklam.
- mejla info@amtrailsmag.com med dina frågor.
Thank you for choosing to subscribe to American Trails Magazine. Here are some things you should know when placing an order with us:
Date of activation
Subscription begins with the next issue of American Trails, if you want it to start with an earlier issue, please contact us, info@amtrailsmag.com
Types of subscriptions
We have two different subscriptions, one international (in English) and one Swedish (in Swedish).
Wholesale Orders
For wholesale inquiries please send an email detailing quantity, destination and any other relevant information to info@americantrailsmag.com
Length of subscription
A subscription is valid for the period specified. To ensure that access to the magazine remains uninterrupted, subscriptions are renewed automatically for the same period of time unless and until the subscriber cancels the subscription.
Subscription rates
All subscription rates are posted on our website: americantrailsmag.com Subscription rates are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Prices indicated are in Swedish Kroner SEK and includes shipping and handling fees.
Subscription payment
Subscription payment must be made in advance of each subscription period and/or within 20 days of the invoice date. Failure to pay for a subscription, even after receiving a reminder, will result in an immediate termination of the subscription services. The subscription in question will be activated only upon payment in full.
Methods of payment
All major credit cards are accepted for payment for volumes of American Trails Magazine. Payment through Paypal is also possible.
Privacy Policy
American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB payments are processed securely and your information is solely used to process your order and will never be shared or sold to third-parties.
Change of address
To ensure uninterrupted access to your magazine, the subscriber must notify American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB of a change of address no less than three weeks before moving. The subscriber will be charged for any forwarding fees that result from the failure to report a change of address less than three weeks before moving house.
Cancellation of subscription
Cancellation of a subscription must take place no less than 30 days before the paid subscription is due to expire. The subscriber may cancel by sending a letter or an email to American Trails Magazine info@amtrailsmag.com including the subscriber’s full name and details. The subscriber will be charged for any magazines received as a result of late cancellation.
Prices and payment
- With regard to subscriptions, all prices are in Swedish Kronor SEK and include country-relevant VAT (where applicable) as well as shipping and handling fees. Products such as single magazines, books or other are subject to a shipping and handling fee, dependent on the delivery location and total weight of your order.
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- If the price of a product or a subscription increases in the period between the placement of an order and its delivery or date of activation, the customer is entitled to cancel the order or to void the contract within ten days after receiving notification from American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB of the increase in price.
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Satisfaction guaranteed
- At this time, we do not offer returns or exchanges. If you are unsatisfied with your order within seven days after your package has arrived, please contact us at info@amtrailsmag.com
Force majeur
- In the case of circumstances beyond the control of American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB shall not be obligated to perform its obligations to the buyer; dates by which such obligations are scheduled to be met shall be extended for a period of time equal to the period of time lost through the delay caused by such circumstances.
- Circumstances excusingAmerican Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB from performing all or part of its obligations are those that occur completely beyond the control of American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB.
- Examples of uncontrollable circumstances are natural disasters, power failures, strikes, fires, wars, riots, unanticipated government restrictions and the failure of third parties to fulfil their obligations to American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB. Other unforeseen circumstances that fall into this category are disruptions caused by telecommunication failures, including the short- and long-term unavailability of internet sites.
Additional information questions or comments
- American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB can be reached online at info@amtrailsmag.com. Please keep in mind a possible time difference between your place of business and our offices in Stockholm, Sweden (open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. GMT+1 Hr).
Application of the General Conditions and Terms of Sale
The General Conditions and Terms of Sale, as stated here, apply to all contracts betweenAmerican Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB and its subscribers and/or customers, with regard to both products and services. Ordering a subscription or a product from American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB denotes compliance with American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB Conditions and Terms of Sale. American Trails/Paper Heart Publishing AB serves customers worldwide.
American Trails Magazine, Paper Heart Publishing, Tunstavägen 18, 793 40 Insjön, Sweden.
Phone +46 70 76 01 720